It’s our pleasure to introduce you to the people behind the beautiful handicrafts of Work of Your Hand. Their stories, recorded below, are a beautiful re-telling of the human condition: of hardships and of triumphs, of love and of brokenness, and perhaps most importantly, of hope.
At Work of Your Hand, we know that global poverty is an overwhelming and often dehumanizing reality. We are passionate about the people who are behind it, and we are passionate about you. Thank you for having the courage to join a movement of people who are fighting back!
By purchasing our products, you are providing a fair wage to a living, breathing person—and we want you to meet them, even if just by reading their stories. By donating to Work of Your Hand, you help make lives more affordable, safe, hope-filled, and dignifying—and we want you to hear about the impact you’re making.
Though we all may differ in our bank account balances, homes, lifestyles, and cultures, our shared humanity will always connect us. Take a few moments and peruse these stories by clicking on the pictures and prepare to be inspired.