Clothed in Dignity Center seeks to help ladies who are impoverished suffering from insufficiency and scarcity, with little opportunity, who have been neglected by society and doing undignified work just to stay alive.
Initially CiDC hired 7 ladies, each day starting with devotions where the ladies learn about the love God has for us, healing from the trauma and abuse that being destitute brings, and then spending the rest of the day sewing. Currently, we have over 20 ladies who learning to sew beautifully and quickly. So far we have made 50,000 t-shirts and t-dresses, 30,000 face masks, 30,000 hair scrunches, 2000 polo shirts, 1600 pencil cases, 1000 sports shirts and shorts, jean bags, hats, drawstring bags, etc.

CiDC has continued to grow, and has purchased land about the size of a football field. The vision behind this facility is to help as many impoverished ladies as possible find hope through Jesus and dignity through skills development. In doing so,
- To build a sewing center that may have as many as 500 employees
- To teach sewing or other vocational skills to local illiterate villagers who are unskilled and typically scavenged in the city garbage dump.
- To further education on reading/writing, health, finances as well as morals and values and spiritual discipleship using the Bible through daily devotions.
Can you imagine 500 people of the extreme poor breaking the chains of poverty, growing in their skills, being able to support their own families, all while learning about God. We are extremely grateful for those who have contributed to the cause of helping the marginalized, allowing us to use the donations towards their freedom from poverty.

What can you do?
We’d love for you to join us in the fight against injustice. A donation toward the new building would be amazing. Please make the donation out to “WORK OF YOUR HAND” and designate it for Clothed in Dignity. All donations for $20 CDN or more will receive a charitable donation receipt. Transparency is one of our key values and so financial statements are available upon request for all. Cambodian workers are the only financial recipients and all profit and remuneration go to them.
DonateAlso check out the products made by our ladies. It encourages them when something they have made is appreciated and helps raise a sense of dignity and self-worth that they are able. We are currently taking bulk t-shirt orders and are open to new products. We’d love to hear from you about items you may want sewn.
Work of Your Hand joined forces with Sat and Sherry Lali in early 2019 to start a center in Cambodia called “Clothed in Dignity”.

We have trained women to sew, and are providing them with products to make. These same women were previously picking garbage from the dump along with other hard labor, but are now on their way to building a better future for their families.
We believe that it’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure that our prosperity is not gained from another’s suffering. If all people, business owners and customers, do their small part, we will bring balance into an unjust world.