
This young Cambodian woman is part of our Greeting Card project in Cambodia, and shared her story with us. Rather than re-telling it ourselves, we thought we’d let Phlurn tell you about herself.

Here is Phlurn’s story, in her own words:

My name is Phlurn, and I am 22 years old. I had malaria twice. I have my grade 7. I have 10 siblings but one of my brothers died at the age of 5 from diarrhea. I have had many obstacles and problems in my life. I really wanted to study at school but my parents couldn’t afford to send me.  So it is a hard time in my life. Thank you.

When Phlurn was asked to elaborate, the young woman shared that she quit school in order to care for her brother and sisters. 

Furthermore, Phlurn’s responsibilities at home kept her from getting the help she needed to keep up with her school work. Phlurn assumed that she struggled because she was not smart, a reality that she felt was confirmed by her struggles with sewing and finances.

Please pray for Phlurn—not only that God will provide for her needs, but that she will also stand confidently on the knowledge that she is not the sum of what she does, but rather who she is as a child of God.
